Why AI Blood Smear?

VETSCAN IMAGYST conveniently delivers AI-driven blood smear analysis, providing critical data to supplement complete blood count (CBC) results and help inform diagnosis and treatment

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VETSCAN IMAGYST uses the accuracy of AI to efficiently read blood smears in minutes, so your staff doesn’t have to1

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IMAGYST provides AI-driven analysis of blood smears, so your staff can focus on other tasks

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Blood smear data may provide important information to supplement automated CBCs for the diagnosis and/or treatment of patients who are sick or with hematologic abnormalities

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  • Abnormal white blood cell count
  • Low platelet count
  • Platelet clumping
  • Changes associated with anemia

Blood smear evaluations to supplement CBC results are not often performed in veterinary clinics due to:

  • Lack of experience
  • Time
  • Training

How It Works

Prepare and scan slide in clinic using traditional methods

VETSCAN IMAGYST uses AI-driven analysis to:

CLARIFY abnormalities to supplement CBC results

PROVIDE an estimated platelet count and identify the presence of platelet clumps, which may impact platelet counts

VERIFY a WBC differential (%) and estimated count (relative count of each cell type)

  • Option to submit digital blood smear image for expert review by a clinical pathologist*

IDENTIFY and count polychromatophils (immature red blood cells—an indicator of a potential regenerative process) and nucleated red blood cells (nRBC)

User Guide: AI Blood Smear

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Integrating VETSCAN IMAGYST into a complete, in-clinic hematology solution

Use any in-clinic hematology analyzer

  • VETSCAN® HM5 is an easy-to-use option that reports a full, 5-part CBC differential with 22 parameters in <4 minutes

Get additional insights with VETSCAN IMAGYST AI Blood Smear

  • Follow up on select analyzer abnormal results
  • If abnormalities are observed, expert review via digital slide transfer is recommended*

Access expert review by a Zoetis clinical pathologist for further evaluation via digital image transfer when needed*‡

Evaluate cell information not reported by AI review, including:

  • WBC—left shifts, toxic changes, malignancy
  • RBC—morphology, inclusions
  • PLT—macroplatelets

Add-on remote pathologist review of AI results

Add-on remote pathologist review of AI results

A Zoetis clinical pathologist can review AI results when requested*

Consult with remote clinical specialists at no additional charge

Our global network of specialists is available to discuss results and a path forward for complex cases

Fast, Reliable Data

VETSCAN IMAGYST delivers expert-level qualitative data to supplement CBC results

  • White blood cell differential/estimated count: neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils, basophils
  • Platelet estimated count/identifies medium and large platelet clumps
  • Identifies and counts polychromatophils as well as nucleated red blood cells (nRBC)


  • The accuracy of VETSCAN IMAGYST compared to that of board-certified clinical pathologists was evaluated in 59 dog and 60 cat samples
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  • Each sample was evaluated by 2 of 4 randomized clinical pathologists
  • Scatter plots were generated showing the pathologists’ results for the individual slides and sorted by percentage of cell type
  • The scatter plots show the variability between the expert pathologist reviewers (which is well documented in human and veterinary medicine literature) and was observed in all samples2-4
  • Note the variability between pathologists in dog lymphocytes (%)
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  • The 99% prediction interval was calculated using the variation observed between expert clinical pathologists
  • The 99% prediction interval provides the estimated range expected from a future observation by an additional expert or VETSCAN IMAGYST with consideration for variability between expert clinical pathologists
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For all 5 cells of the differential (neutrophils), 93.2% to 100% of dog samples (n=59) and 88.3% to 100% of act samples (n=60) were within the 99% prediction interval of the model.

  • The VETSCAN IMAGYST canine lymphocyte classifier performance was comparable to that of an expert clinical pathologist when evaluating the monolayer of a blood smear
  • When VETSCAN IMAGYST evaluated the same slides, results were within the 99% prediction interval (calculated from expert variability) 96.6% of the time

CP=clinical pathologist.

VETSCAN IMAGYST performance accuracy was comparable to that expected of clinical pathologists1

With VETSCAN IMAGYST, expert-level WBC differential and cell counting can be performed in any clinic

IMAGYST performance1

PLT=platelet;WBC=white blood cell.

High-Resolution Images

High-resolution images from VETSCAN IMAGYST.

See what real customers say about VETSCAN IMAGYST in their practice

Learn more about VETSCAN IMAGYST

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*Option to send digital slide image to our network of clinical pathologists as needed. Additional costs may apply.

Absolute polychromatophil count is provided when the RBC count is entered from an automated CBC analyzer.

The use of VETSCAN® FUSE plus at least one Zoetis Diagnostics instrument or service, such as VETSCAN IMAGYST, required.

References: 1. Data on file, Study No. D870R-US-21-045, 2021, Zoetis Inc. 2. Kjelgaard-Hansen M, Jensen AL. Is the inherent imprecision of manual leukocyte differential counts acceptable for quantitative purposes? Vet Clin Pathol. 2006;35(3):268-270. doi:10.1111/j.1939-165x.2006.tb00128.x. 3. Fuentes-Arderiu X, García-Panyella M, Dot-Bach D. Between-examiner reproducibility in manual differential leukocyte counting. Accred Qual Assur. 2007;12:643–645. doi:10.1007/s00769-007-0323-0. 4. Tvedten HW, Lilliehöök IE. Canine differential leukocyte counting with the CellaVision DM96Vision, Sysmex XT-2000iV, and Advia 2120 hematology analyzers and a manual method. Vet Clin Pathol. 2011;40(3):324-339. doi:10.1111/j.1939-165X.2011.00347.x.

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© 2023 Zoetis Services LLC. All rights reserved. VTS-00181R3

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